Navigating Breast Cancer & Motherhood

i am Claudia, MOTHER OF THREE, AND

Welcome to my cancer diaries!

From being healthy to battling breast cancer, my journey reflects the struggle faced by one in eight women. Many, like me, are mothers of young children. Motherhood is tough, but motherhood with cancer is even tougher.

Yet, giving up is never an option. Together, with the right mindset and resources, we can navigate this journey and make the most of it.

Contact Breast Cancer and Motherhood

Breast Cancer comes with Challenges

Discover coping tips by reading my blog on my personal experience with treatment and balancing motherhood.


Cancer comes unexpectedly

I want to raise awareness by sharing my personal experience from what to expect in each treatment phase, major challenges and how to overcome them with a young family in mind.


Cancer is a physical and mental battle

I want to inspire you how mindfulness practices and having the right support will get you through treatment and beyond


Cancer impacts the whole family

You will find resources that helped my husband and I to keep our relationship healthy and the children happy through this traumatic experience and beyond.


Cancer comes with a lot of decisions to make

I want to support you in trusting your instincts and advocating for yourself.


Cancer is expensive

I will share with you which resources helped us during treatment and beyond and supported me and my family.

Overcoming Challenges:
Your Comprehensive Guide to Surgery, Chemotherapy, Reconstruction, and Survivorship

Facing a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Whether you’re at the start of your journey or somewhere along the path, having the right information can make a significant difference in your experience and outcomes. My blog aims to be a beacon of clarity and support, providing you with detailed guides on the critical stages of breast cancer treatment and recovery.

In this comprehensive guide, I will cover essential Tips in preparation  of your treatment phase and important coping strategies. Each section is designed to provide you with actionable insights, advice, and compassionate support to help you make informed decisions and feel empowered throughout your journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about:


Understanding the different surgical options, what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.

Tips for Preparing for Mastectomy


Coping Strategies for After Surgery

Breast Cancer Resources

Navigating the complexities of chemotherapy.

Tips for preparing for Chemotherapy


 Managing side effects for maintaining your well-being throughout Chemotherapy 


Exploring the options for breast reconstruction and the decision-making process.

Tips for preparing for your reconstruction and recovery, providing helpful advice to regain confidence and comfort.


Survivorship challenges:

Tips for embracing life after treatment, including resources and strategies for monitoring your health, coping with emotional and physical changes, and living a fulfilling life as a breast cancer survivor.

My hope is...

…that my story inspires and empowers other women and their caregivers to find strength in their own battles and to remember that they are never alone.

Video Resources

During my cancer treatment, I created videos sharing how I tackled the challenges. Watch my video series to get practical advice, inspiration, and the comfort of knowing you’re not alone. Click the arrow to view.

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I’d love to keep you updated with my latest Tips & Tricks to navigate Breast Cancer & Motherhood!

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I’d love to keep you updated with my latest Tips & Tricks to navigate Breast Cancer & Motherhood!

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