Survivorship -Life after Cancer

Surviving cancer is a monumental achievement, a testament to your strength and resilience. Yet, when active treatment ends, many survivors find themselves feeling unexpectedly lost and anxious. The journey doesn’t end with remission; it continues as you navigate the complexities of life after cancer. This blog post is dedicated to all those who are finding their way back to a new normal, filled with hope, strength, and perseverance.


Embracing the New Normal

When my active treatment was over, I was surprised by the flood of emotions I experienced. Instead of feeling elated, I was gripped by fear and anxiety. My body had endured so much, and my emotions were in turmoil. I had so many questions but only saw my oncologist twice a year. The transition to survivorship was overwhelming, and I felt completely lost.

It’s crucial to recognize that you’ve just been through a major trauma. Feeling disoriented, scared, and anxious is completely normal. You’re not alone in this; many survivors experience similar feelings as they adjust to life after treatment. Remember, it’s okay to feel this way. Give yourself grace and time to heal both physically and emotionally.


Overcoming New Challenges

Survivorship brings its own set of challenges. You may have to deal with medication side effects, lingering impacts from surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Yet, amid these obstacles, there is a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

I found strength within myself to rise above these challenges, and so can you. Here’s some inspiration and guidance to help you through this transformative journey:


"Beating cancer is not the end goal, it's about living a good life again."

Common Challenges entering Survivorship

I divided common challenges into these three main categories.

Each section provides practical advice and personal insights to help you navigate life after cancer. Embrace this journey with the knowledge that you are not alone and that there are resources and support systems available to help you thrive.

For more detailed coping strategies and support, click the button in each category.

Prioritizing Myself


Lingering Side Effects

How do I deal with lingering Side Effects from Surgery, Chemo and Radiation?


Fear of Recurrence & Scanxiety

How do I stay positive while facing insecurity?


Balancing my needs with my family's needs

How do I find my “new normal” and prioritize my health with young children?

How to find and keep your support system after cancer?


Follow-up Care

How to make sure to get the follow-up care you need?


Reducing risk of recurrence

How do I adapt a healthier lifestyle?

Menopausal Side Effects from Hormone Therapy


Instant prolonged Menopause

How to deal with new Side Effects from Hormone Therapy

Tamoxifen, AI’s and Ovary Suppression?


Decreased Desire for Intimacy

How to find your way back to intimacy with your partner?



How to cope with pain and dryness?


Weight gain

How to cope with a slowing metabolism?


Joint Pain Pain and Bone Loss

How to deal with Joint Pain and strengthen your bones?


Hotflashes & Nightsweats

How to deal with Joint Pain and strengthen your bones?

Family Life


Family Finances after treatment

How to deal with the financial after math of cancer treatment?


Decreased Desire for Intimacy

How to rekindle intimacy with your partner?


Keep getting support while you are healing

How to access complementary care for a whole person healing on a budget?

Moving Forward

Survivorship is not just about beating cancer; it’s about reclaiming your life and living it to the fullest. It’s about finding joy in the little things, prioritizing your well-being, and knowing that it’s okay to seek help. Embrace the new normal with courage and optimism. You have already overcome so much, and you have the strength to overcome whatever comes next.

For more detailed coping strategies and support, click the button in each category. 

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