about Me

Before my Diagnosis
Life as a busy mom of three young children was full and fulfilling. Then, at 41, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The news was devastating, but I resolved to stay strong for my kids.

Surgery & Chemotherapy
One month after my diagnosis, I underwent a mastectomy, hoping to swiftly return to normal life. Unfortunately, a genomic test revealed a high chance of recurrence, necessitating chemotherapy. The fear and uncertainty were immense, but a pivotal moment with my son changed my perspective. He said, “Mama, I don’t want you to cry anymore.” Those words ignited a fierce determination within me. I decided to face chemotherapy with grace and strength, wanting to be a role model for my children. The first infusion was tough, and I experienced nearly every side effect. My oncologist recommended a dose reduction, but I insisted on the full treatment to ensure my best chance of survival. I immersed myself in survivor stories and sought advice from those who had walked this path before me. Their experiences and encouragement were invaluable, helping to lift my spirits and keep me focused.

Finding Strength and Normalcy
Despite the challenges, I adopted a holistic approach alongside my medical treatments. We started juicing, treating food as medicine, and adding supplemental treatments. Surrounding ourselves with supportive and positive people became crucial. I kept moving, never allowing myself to stop, even on the toughest days. Reframing my thoughts, I focused on gratitude for the excellent medical team and the incredible support network of friends, family, neighbors, and organizations that rallied around us. To my oncologist’s surprise, I experienced fewer side effects in subsequent infusions, allowing us to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Reconstruction and Empowerment
After completing active treatment, I faced the journey of breast reconstruction. It took tremendous courage and strength to opt for a flap procedure, especially when many surgeons suggested implants were my only option. Today, when I look in the mirror, I see a body that has overcome immense challenges and emerged stronger and more beautiful.

Sharing my Story
Two years later, I reflect on this journey with gratitude and a sense of purpose. It wasn’t just my battle; it was a challenge for my entire family. I began documenting my experiences, realizing that my story could help others. I wanted to create a space where women could find support and strength in their own battles. My journey became about more than just me—it became about the 1 in 8 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer. I share my story to inspire and empower other women. I want them to know that no matter how tough the journey, they are never alone. Together, we can find strength, hope, and resilience. My greatest hope is that my story encourages others to face their battles with courage and determination, knowing that they too can overcome any obstacle.